The 3rd TAFISA Sport for All Certified Leadership Course is going to be held in Macau, China from 22 to 29 Janurary, 2008. All interested parties are welcome to join.
As sport for all in different regions of the world takes vigorous development according to each own conditions, it is necessary to introduce adequate programs on the national and regional level to learn the specific skills and competences required for the development and promotion of Sport for All. T he goal is established a network of nationally and regionally responsible, qualified leaders in Sport for All.
Participating countries can send representatives who are already in a leading position or are considered to assume this leading position in the future for the development of Sport for All. The organization responsible for Sport for All in a given country (Ministry or, Sport Federation, or NOC) selects the person(s) for the course.
At the same time, other colleagues in sport for all are also welcomed to join this course. The course office is highly delighted to offer further assistance for the people having the above request.
The focus of the course will be on leadership and management skills necessary for the development and promotion of Sport for All. Different levels of qualification (general course followed by special courses) allow for a systematic step-by-step approach. Teaching subjects will include
Arrival of Participants
23 to 28/01/2008(Wednesday to Monday)
Course Days
Departure of Participants
Official Language
The official language is English.
Examination includes oral, multiple-choices and a short program designing.
Participants will receive a certificate at the end of the course confirming participation at /passing of the examination . The certificate will bear the names of TAFISA, the national organization and if existing the academic partner.
It is necessary for the in terested participant to deliver the filled registration form and fees to the host city before the 1 3 December, 2007.
Registration Fee
The registration fee, inclusive full board, lodging, local transportation and all working material during the course, is US$100.00 per overseas participant.
Travel Arrangements
All participants should cover their travel fee to Macau.
For further information , please visit below website s for details
Macau Sport Development Board:
Tourist information: